Who we are
Challenge of keeping up with the online world
We all know that the online world offers a wealth of opportunities for everybody including young people but it can also involve a lot of risks. Keeping up to date with latest platforms, games and other online trends can be difficult and can make us fearful for young people. This fear can then mean that adults around the child say ‘no’ to many online activities in an effort to keep them safe but this ends up doing the exact opposite. The best way to keep children safe online is to show an interest in their online world and work with them to put boundaries in place, and teach them key skills on how they can keep themselves safe. One of the most important things to remember is not to overreact because that might mean if the young person has a problem they may not come to you for help next time.
Its really important that all children and young people get the same opportunity to thrive online. This website and our training programme is all about giving you as carers and practitioners the skills and confidence to help young people take advantage of the benefits whilst mitigating those risks.
Digital Ambassador Network
A fundamental part of our project has been the creation of a Digital Ambassador Network made up of carers, children and young people, social workers and other practitioners. Our Digital Ambassadors have helped us develop our training programme and this website which is full of resources and signposting and also where you can access advice and support.
Please do take a moment to create an account and you too will be able to access the training and resources.